DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Managed Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Guide
To display the maximum number of multicast groups that VLANs 1 and 2 can join:
DES-3200-28/ME:admin#show max_mcast_group vlanid 1-2
Command: show max_mcast_group vlanid 1-2
VLAN Max Multicast Group Number Action
------ ---------------------------- ---------
1 Infinite Drop
2 10 Drop
Total Entries: 2
44-9 show limited_multicast_addr
This command is used to display the multicast address range by port or by VLAN.
When the function is configured on a port, it limits the multicast groups operated by the IGMP or
MLD snooping function and layer 3 functions. When the function is configured on a VLAN, it limits
the multicast groups operated by the IGMP or MLD layer 3 functions.
If the IPv4 or IPv6 option is not specified, IPv4 is implied.
show limited_multicast_addr [ports <portlist> | vlanid <vlanid_list>] {[ipv4 | ipv6]}
ports - Specify the range of ports that require information displaying about the multicast address
filtering function.
<portlist> - Enter the list of port to be configured here.
vlanid - Specify the VLAN ID of VLANs that require information displaying about the multicast
address filtering function.
<vlanid_list> - Enter the VLAN ID list here.
ipv4 - (Optional) Specify to display the IPv4 multicast profile associated with the port.
ipv6 - (Optional) Specify to display the IPv6 multicast profile associated with the port.
To show the limited multicast address range on ports 1 and 3: