Clearing a UFD-Disabled Interface
You can manually bring up a downstream interface in an uplink-state group that UFD disabled and is in a
UFD-Disabled Error state.
To re-enable one or more disabled downstream interfaces and clear the UFD-Disabled Error state, use
the following command.
• Re-enable a downstream interface on the switch/router that is in a UFD-Disabled Error State so that it
can send and receive traffic.
EXEC mode
clear ufd-disable {interface interface | uplink-state-group group-id}
For interface, enter one of the following interface types:
– 10-Gigabit Ethernet: enter tengigabitethernet {slot/port | slot/port-range}
– 40-Gigabit Ethernet: enter fortyGigE {slot/port |slot/port-range}
– Port channel: enter port-channel {1-512 | port-channel-range}
* Where port-range and port-channel-range specify a range of ports separated by a dash
(-) and/or individual ports/port channels in any order; for example:
tengigabitethernet 1/1-2,5,9,11-12
port-channel 1-3,5
* A comma is required to separate each port and port-range entry.
clear ufd-disable {interface interface | uplink-state-group group-id}: re-
enables all UFD-disabled downstream interfaces in the group. The range is from 1 to 16.
Example of Syslog Messages Before and After Entering the clear ufd-disable uplink-state-
group Command
The following example message shows the Syslog messages that display when you clear the UFD-
Disabled state from all disabled downstream interfaces in an uplink-state group by using the clear
ufd-disable uplink-state-group group-id command. All downstream interfaces return to an
operationally up state.
02:36:43: %SYSTEM-P:CP %IFMGR-5-ASTATE_DN: Changed interface Admin state to
down: Te 0/46
02:36:43: %SYSTEM-P:CP %IFMGR-5-OSTATE_DN: Changed interface state to down:
Te 0/46
02:36:43: %SYSTEM-P:CP %IFMGR-5-OSTATE_DN: Downstream interface set to UFD
error-disabled: Fo 1/0
02:36:43: %SYSTEM-P:CP %IFMGR-5-OSTATE_DN: Downstream interface set to UFD
error-disabled: Fo 1/4
02:36:43: %SYSTEM-P:CP %IFMGR-5-OSTATE_DN: Downstream interface set to UFD
error-disabled: Fo 1/8
02:36:43: %SYSTEM-P:CP %IFMGR-5-OSTATE_DN: Downstream interface set to UFD
error-disabled: Fo 1/12
02:36:43: %SYSTEM-P:CP %IFMGR-5-OSTATE_DN: Changed interface state to down:
Fo 1/0
02:36:43: %SYSTEM-P:CP %IFMGR-5-OSTATE_DN: Changed interface state to down:
Fo 1/4
02:36:43: %SYSTEM-P:CP %IFMGR-5-OSTATE_DN: Changed interface state to down:
Fo 1/8
02:36:43: %SYSTEM-P:CP %IFMGR-5-OSTATE_DN: Changed interface state to down:
Fo 1/12
02:37:29: %SYSTEM-P:CP %IFMGR-5-ASTATE_DN: Changed interface Admin state to
Uplink Failure Detection (UFD)