Starting test: temperatureTest ......
Thermal Monitor Diodes:
Diode[0] temperature 33.9 C
Diode[1] temperature 35.0 C
Diode[2] temperature 35.0 C
Diode[4] temperature 34.5 C
Port card[0]:
Average temperature 38.3 C, maximum 41.1 C
Port card[1]:
Average temperature 40.5 C, maximum 43.3 C
Port card[2]:
Average temperature 42.8 C, maximum 44.9 C
Ethernet MAC temperature 45.0 C
temperatureTest ............................................. PASS
eepromTest .................................................. PASS
i2cTest ..................................................... PASS
macPhyRegTest ............................................... PASS
Starting test: partyLinkStatusTest ......
WM0 Link Status UP
partyLinkStatusTest ......................................... PASS
Starting test: portcardHiGigLinkStatusTest ......
+ HG Link Status Test for Unit 0 (Portcard 0): PASSED
+ HG Link Status Test for Unit 1 (Portcard 1): PASSED
+ HG Link Status Test for Unit 2 (Portcard 2): PASSED
portcardHiGigLinkStatusTest ................................. PASS
Starting test: portcardXELinkStatusTest ......
+ XE Link Status Test for unit 0 (Portcard 0): PASSED
+ XE Link Status Test for unit 1 (Portcard 1): PASSED
ERROR: Unit 2 (Portcard 2): XE 11 is DOWN
+ XE Link Status Test for unit 2 (Portcard 2): FAILED
portcardXELinkStatusTest .................................... FAIL
qsfpOpticsTest .............................................. PASS
qsfpPhyTest ................................................. PASS
qsfpPresenceTest ............................................ PASS
rtcTest ..................................................... PASS
sataSsdTest ................................................. PASS
--------- Group Test Statistics ---------
Total : 22
Passed : 21
Failed : 1
Elapsed time : 00H:00M:56S
Stop reason : after completion
------ Failed tests (level, times) ------
portcardXELinkStatusTest (1, 1)
In addition to the syslog buffer, to report hardware and software events and status information, the
system buffers trace messages which are continuously written by various software tasks.
Each TRACE message provides the date, time, and name of the system process. All messages are stored
in a ring buffer that you can save to a file either manually or automatically after failover.
Debugging and Diagnostics