Example of Enabling an FC-MAP Value on a VLAN
Dell(conf-if-vl-10)# fip-snooping fc-map 0xOEFC01
NOTE: Configuring an FC-MAP value is only required if you do not use the default FC-MAP value
Example of Configuring the ENode Server-Facing Port
Dell(conf)# interface tengigabitethernet 1/1
Dell(conf-if-te-1/1)# portmode hybrid
Dell(conf-if-te-1/1)# switchport
Dell(conf-if-te-1/1)# protocol lldp
Dell(conf-if-te-1/1-lldp)# dcbx port-role auto-downstream
NOTE: A port is enabled by default for bridge-ENode links.
Example of Configuring the FCF-Facing Port
Dell(conf)# interface tengigabitethernet 1/5
Dell(conf-if-te-1/5)# portmode hybrid
Dell(conf-if-te-1/5)# switchport
Dell(conf-if-te-1/5)# fip-snooping port-mode fcf
Dell(conf-if-te-1/5)# protocol lldp
Dell(conf-if-te-1/5-lldp)# dcbx port-role auto-upstream
Example of Configuring FIP Snooping Ports as Tagged Members of the FCoE VLAN
Dell(conf)# interface vlan 10
Dell(conf-if-vl-10)# tagged tengigabitethernet 1/1
Dell(conf-if-vl-10)# tagged tengigabitethernet 1/5
Dell(conf-if-te-1/1)# no shut
Dell(conf-if-te-1/5)# no shut
Dell(conf-if-vl-10)# no shut
Dell(conf)# interface vlan 10
Dell(conf-if-vl-10)# tagged gigabitethernet 1/1
Dell(conf-if-vl-10)# tagged gigabitethernet 1/5
Dell(conf-if-gi-1/1)# no shut
Dell(conf-if-gi-1/5)# no shut
Dell(conf-if-vl-10)# no shut
After FIP packets are exchanged between the ENode and the switch, a FIP snooping session is
established. ACLs are dynamically generated for FIP snooping on the FIP snooping bridge/switch.
Displaying FIP Snooping Information
Use the following show commands to display information on FIP snooping, .
Table 21. Displaying FIP Snooping Information
Command Output
show fip-snooping sessions [interface
vlan vlan-id]
Displays information on FIP-snooped sessions on
all VLANs or a specified VLAN, including the ENode
interface and MAC address, the FCF interface and
MAC address, VLAN ID, FCoE MAC address and
FCoE session ID number (FC-ID), worldwide node
name (WWNN) and the worldwide port name
show fip-snooping config
Displays the FIP snooping status and configured
FC-MAP values.
FCoE Transit