
You can enable SNMP traps and syslog messages to be generated when an uneven traffic distribution
is detected in a HiGig link bundle.
Traffic distribution in a HiGig link bundle is calculated as the bandwidth-weighted mean use of all links
in the bundle. This calculation is performed only on links that are up in their operational status.
The rate interval used to poll traffic distribution in member links in a HiGig link bundle is user-
configurable. The default polling interval is 15 seconds.
The trigger threshold specifies the percentage of total bundle bandwidth used to issue an alarm for
uneven traffic distribution. The default is 60 percent. When the mean link utilization is below this
value, uneven link-bundle traffic is not reported.
The difference in utilization percentage between the high-used link and low-used link determines the
alarm condition. Alarm reporting for link-bundle monitoring is based on the same algorithm used for
LAG/ECMP. An alarm condition occurs when the unevenness in link-bundle utilization exceeds 10% of
the configured threshold and remains active until traffic on member links falls below the trigger
threshold. If unevenness is recorded for three consecutive measurements, an alarm event is
generated. The time interval between measurements is defined by the rate interval.
Enabling HiGig Link-Bundle Monitoring
To enable the monitoring of HiGig link bundles, follow these steps.
1. Enable the monitoring of traffic distribution on the member links in a HiGig link bundle (port-
Dell(conf)#hg-link-bundle-monitor {sfm npu-id hg-port—channel hg-port—
channel-id | slot slot npuUnit npu-id hg-port—channel 0} enable
2. Specify the trigger threshold for HiGig link-bundle monitoring.
Dell(conf)#hg-link-bundle-monitor trigger-threshold percentage
3. Specify the interval (in seconds) when HiGig link-bundle monitoring is performed.
Dell(conf)#hg-link-bundle-monitor rate-interval seconds
4. Enable SNMP trap generation for HiGig link-bundle monitoring.
Dell(conf)#snmp-server enable traps hg-lbm
5. Display the traffic utilization of member links in a HiGig link bundle (port channel).
EXEC, EXEC Privilege modes
Dell#show hg-link-bundle-distribution {sfm npu-id hg-port—channel hg-port—
channel-id | slot slot npuUnit npu-id hg-port—channel 0}
Fanning out 40G Ports Dynamically