
######################## FP Entry for VLT IGMP Sync frames
######################## FP Entry for VLT ARP Replies Tunneled
######################## FP Entry for VLT L2PM Sync frames
######################## FP Entry for VLT ARP Sync frames
######################## FP Entry for VLT IPM Sync frames
######################## FP Entry for VLT NDPM Sync frames
######################## FP Entry for VLT TTL1 Packets Tunneled
######################## FP Entry for VLT Dyn Client pkts
######################## FP Entry for VLT PIM Sync frames
######################## FP Entry for DROP Cases ##########################
#################### FP Entry for BGP_SPORT PACKETS #####################
#################### FP Entry for BGP_DPORT PACKETS #####################
#################### FP Entry for MSDP_SPORT PACKETS #####################
Viewing Per-Protocol CoPP Counters
To view per-protocol counters of rate-limited control-plane traffic, use the show control-traffic
protocol [cp—switch | linecard slot-id portset port-pipe] counters command,
cp-switch displays counters for rate-limited traffic on the central switch (aggregated CoPP).
linecard portset displays counters for rate-limited traffic on a specified Z9500 line card and port
set (distributed CoPP).
There are three line cards (0-2) with fixed ports on the Z9500. Line card 0 uses three sets of ports (port
pipes): 0 to 2; line cards 1 and 2 use four sets of ports: 0 to 3.
In the show output, Rx Counters displays the number of bytes of control-plane traffic received, on which
protocol-based rate limiting is applied. Tx Counters displays the number of bytes transmitted to a
control-plane CPU after protocol-based rate limiting is applied. Drop Counters displays the number of
bytes of control-plane traffic that have been dropped as a result of protocol-based rate limiting.
Dell#show control-traffic protocol linecard 2 portset 0 counters
Protocol RxBytes TxBytes Drops
------- ------- ------- -----
STP 14956278172 403036 14955875136
LLDP 15029657016 559096 15029097920
PVST 0 0 0
LACP 15122824104 556648 15122267456
Control Plane Policing (CoPP)