
All the ports in the secondary VLANs (both community and isolated VLANs) can only communicate
with ports in the other secondary VLANs of that PVLAN over Layer 3, and only when the ip local-
proxy-arp command is invoked in the primary VLAN.
NOTE: Even after you disable ip-local-proxy-arp (no ip-local-proxy-arp) in a secondary
VLAN, Layer 3 communication may happen between some secondary VLAN hosts, until the ARP
timeout happens on those secondary VLAN hosts.
In parallel, on S50-1:
Te 0/3 is a promiscuous port and Te 0/25 is a PVLAN trunk port, assigned to the primary VLAN 4000.
Te 0/4-6 are host ports. Te 0/4 and Te 0/5 are assigned to the community VLAN 4001, while Te 0/6 is
assigned to the isolated VLAN 4003.
The result is that:
The S50V ports would have the same intra-switch communication characteristics as described for the
For transmission between switches, tagged packets originating from host PVLAN ports in one
secondary VLAN and destined for host PVLAN ports in the other switch travel through the
promiscuous ports in the local VLAN 4000 and then through the trunk ports (0/25 in each switch).
Inspecting the Private VLAN Configuration
The standard methods of inspecting configurations also apply in PVLANs.
To inspect your PVLAN configurations, use the following commands.
Display the specific interface configuration.
show config
Inspect the running-config, and, with the grep pipe option, display a specific part of the running-
show running-config | grep string
The following example shows the PVLAN parts of the running-config from the S50V switch in the
topology diagram previously shown.
Display the type and status of the configured PVLAN interfaces.
show interfaces private-vlan [interface interface]
This command is specific to the PVLAN feature.
For more information, refer to the Security chapter in the Dell Networking OS Command Line
Reference Guide.
Display the configured PVLANs or interfaces that are part of a PVLAN.
show vlan private-vlan [community | interface | isolated | primary |
primary_vlan | interface interface]
This command is specific to the PVLAN feature.
The following examples show the results of using this command without the command options in the
topology diagram previously shown.
Display the primary-secondary VLAN mapping. The following example shows the output from the
Private VLANs (PVLAN)