NOTE: On the Z9500, when you enable core dumps of application crashes to be uploaded to an
FTP server, only core dumps from the Control Processor are uploaded to the server. Application
core-dump files from the Route Processor and line-card CPUs are moved to flash memory on the
Control Processor CPU and can be accessed by performing an FTP to the Control Processor (CP)
core-dump directory:
• The application core-dump file for the Route Processor is stored at: flash:/CORE_DUMP_DIR/
• The application core-dump file for a line-card processor is stored at:flash:/CORE_DUMP_DIR/
To disable the automatic uploading of application core dumps, enter the no logging coredump
server command.
Mini Core Dumps
The system supports mini core dumps for kernel crashes. The mini core dump applies to all Z9500 CPUs.
Kernel mini core dumps are always enabled. Mini core dumps contain the stack space and some other
very minimal information that can be used to debug a crash. A mini core dump is a small file that is
written into flash until space is exhausted. When the flash is full, the write process is stopped.
A mini core dump contains critical information in the event of a crash. Mini core dump files are located in
the flash://CORE_DUMP_DIR directory. The kernel mini core filename format is
f10_cpu_timestamp.kcore.mini.tx, where:
Where cpu specifies a Z9500 CPU and is one of the following values: cp (Control Processor), cp (Route
Processor), lp0 (line-card processor 0), lp1 (line-card processor 1), or lp2 (line-card processor 2);
timestamp is a text string in the format: yyyyddmmhhmmss (YearDayMonthHourMinuteSecond).
The panic string contains key information regarding the crash. Several panic string types exist, and are
displayed in normal English text to enable easier understanding of the crash cause.
Example of a Mini Core Text File
------------------------PANIC STRING -----------------
panic string is : <null>
----------------------STACK TRACE START---------------
0035d60c <f10_save_mmu+0x120>:
00274f8c <panic+0x144>:
0024e2b0 <db_fncall+0x134>:
0024dee8 <db_command+0x258>:
0024d9c4 <db_command_loop+0xc4>:
002522b0 <db_trap+0x158>:
0026a8d0 <mi_switch+0x1b0>:
0026a00c <bpendtsleep>:
------------------------STACK TRACE END----------------
---------------------------FREE MEMORY---------------
uvmexp.free = 0x2312
Full Kernel Core Dumps
The system supports full core dumps for kernel crashes. The kernel core dump applies to all Z9500 CPUs
and is not enabled by default. To enable full kernel core dumps, enter the logging coredump
Debugging and Diagnostics