
the following users are currently configuring the system: User "admin" on line
vty1 ( ).
NOTE: The CONFIGURATION mode lock corresponds to a VTY session, not a user. Therefore, if you
configure a lock and then exit CONFIGURATION mode, and another user enters CONFIGURATION
mode, when you attempt to re-enter CONFIGURATION mode, you are denied access even though
you are the one that configured the lock.
NOTE: If your session times out and you return to EXEC mode, the CONFIGURATION mode lock is
Recovering from a Forgotten Password on the Z9500
If you configure authentication for the console and you exit out of EXEC mode or your console session
times out, you are prompted for a password to re-enter.
If you forget your password, follow these steps:
1. Log onto the system using the console.
2. Power-cycle the chassis by disconnecting and.then reconnecting the power cord.
3. During bootup, press Esc when prompted to abort the boot process.
You enter Boot-Line Interface (BLI) mode at the BOOT_USER# prompt.
4. At the BLI prompt, set the system parameter to ignore the enable password and reload the system:
BOOT_USER# ignore enable-password
BOOT_USER# reload
NOTE: You must manually enter each CLI command. The system rejects a command if you
copy and paste it in the command line.
5. Configure a new password.
enable {secret | password}
6. Save the change in the running configuration to the startup configuration.
EXEC Privilege mode
copy running-config startup-config
Ignoring the Startup Configuration and Booting from the
Factory-Default Configuration
If you do not want to do not want to boot up with your current startup configuration and do not want to
delete it, you can interrupt the boot process and boot up with the Z9500 factory-default configuration.
To boot up with the factory-default configuration:
1. Log onto the system using the console.
2. Power-cycle the chassis by disconnecting and.then reconnecting the power cord.
3. During bootup, press Esc when prompted to abort the boot process.
You enter Boot-Line Interface (BLI) mode at the BOOT_USER# prompt.
Switch Management