Leaks from One Level to Another
In the following scenarios, each IS-IS level is configured with a different metric style.
Table 32. Metric Value with Different Levels Configured with Different Metric Styles
Level-1 Metric Style Level-2 Metric Style Resulting Metric Value
narrow wide original value
narrow wide transition original value
narrow narrow transition original value
narrow transition original value
wide narrow truncated value
wide narrow transition truncated value
wide wide transition original value
wide transition truncated value
narrow transition wide original value
narrow transition narrow original value
narrow transition wide transition original value
narrow transition transition original value
transition wide original value
transition narrow original value
transition wide transition original value
transition narrow transition original value
wide transition wide original value
wide transition narrow truncated value
wide transition narrow transition truncated value
wide transition transition truncated value
Sample Configurations
The following configurations are examples for enabling IPv6 IS-IS. These examples are not
comprehensive directions. They are intended to give you some guidance with typical configurations.
NOTE: Only one IS-IS process can run on the router, even if both IPv4 and IPv6 routing is being
You can copy and paste from these examples to your CLI. To support your own IP addresses, interfaces,
names, and so on, be sure that you make the necessary changes.
Intermediate System to Intermediate System