the output and both the privilege and roles for all users is also displayed. If the role is not defined, the
system displays "unassigned" .
Example of Displaying Information About Users Logged into the Switch
Dell#show users
Authorization Mode: role or privilege
Line User Role Privilege Host(s) Location
0 console 0 admin sysadmin 15 idle
*3 vty 1 sec1 secadmin 14 idle
4 vty 2 ml1 netadmin 12 idle
AAA Accounting
Accounting, authentication, and authorization (AAA) accounting is part of the AAA security model.
For details about commands related to AAA security, refer to the Security chapter in the Dell Networking
OS Command Reference Guide.
AAA accounting enables tracking of services that users are accessing and the amount of network
resources being consumed by those services. When you enable AAA accounting, the network server
reports user activity to the security server in the form of accounting records. Each accounting record is
comprised of accounting atribute/value (AV) pairs and is stored on the access control server.
As with authentication and authorization, you must configure AAA accounting by defining a named list of
accounting methods and then applying that list to various virtual terminal line (VTY) lines.
Configuration Task List for AAA Accounting
The following sections present the AAA accounting configuration tasks.
• Enabling AAA Accounting (mandatory)
• Suppressing AAA Accounting for Null Username Sessions (optional)
• Configuring Accounting of EXEC and Privilege-Level Command Usage (optional)
• Configuring AAA Accounting for Terminal Lines (optional)
• Monitoring AAA Accounting (optional)
Enabling AAA Accounting
The aaa accounting command allows you to create a record for any or all of the accounting functions
To enable AAA accounting, use the following command.
• Enable AAA accounting and create a record for monitoring the accounting function.
aaa accounting {system | exec | command level} {default | name} {start-stop |
wait-start | stop-only} {tacacs+}
The variables are:
– system: sends accounting information of any other AAA configuration.
– exec: sends accounting information when a user has logged in to EXEC mode.
– command level: sends accounting of commands executed at the specified privilege level.