
Debugging and Diagnostics
This chapter describes the debugging and diagnostics tasks you can perform on the switch.
Offline Diagnostics
The offline diagnostics test suite is useful for isolating faults and debugging hardware.
The diagnostic tests are grouped into three levels:
Level 0 — Level 0 diagnostics check for the presence of various components and perform essential
path verifications. In addition, they verify the identification registers of the components on the board.
Level 1 — A smaller set of diagnostic tests. Level 1 diagnostics perform status/self-test for all the
components on the board and test their registers for appropriate values. In addition, they perform
extensive tests on memory devices (for example, SDRAM, flash, NVRAM, or EEPROM) wherever
Level 2 — The full set of diagnostic tests. Level 2 diagnostics are used primarily for on-board
Loopback tests and more extensive component diagnostics. Various components on the board are
put into Loopback mode and test packets are transmitted through those components. These
diagnostics also perform snake tests using VLAN configurations.
Important Points to Remember
Diagnostics only test connectivity, not the entire data path.
Diagnostic results are stored on the flash of the switch on which you performed the diagnostics.
Running Offline Diagnostics
To run offline diagnostics:
1. Place the switch in offline mode.
EXEC Privilege mode
offline system
NOTE: When the diagnostic tests complete on all Z9500 CPUs, you are prompted to reload the
system. The system requires a full reboot to resume normal operation.
A warning message displays after you enter the offline system command. Type yes to proceed:
Warning - offline of system will bring down all the protocols and
the system will be operationally down, except for running Diagnostics.
The "reload" command is required for normal operation after the offline
command is issued.
Proceed with Offline [confirm yes/no]:
2. Verify offline status of the switch.
Debugging and Diagnostics