Description Link to RoCE Adapter in Blade Server
no ip address
mtu 12000
portmode hybrid
no spanning-tree
protocol lldp
dcbx port-role auto-downstream
no shutdown
interface fortyGigE 0/33
Description “To S4810s”
no ip address
mtu 12000
port-channel-protocol LACP
port-channel 1 mode active
protocol lldp
no advertise dcbx-tlv ets-reco
dcbx port-role auto-upstream
no shutdown
S4810 1 and S4810 2, VLT, RoCE, and iSCSI
dcb enable
iscsi enable
dcb-map converged
Description DCB map for S4810 interlinks
priority-group 0 bandwidth 30 pfc off
priority-group 1 bandwidth 40 pfc on
priority-group 2 bandwidth 30 pfc on
priority-pgid 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0
dcb-map RoCE
Description DCB map for ports connected to RoCE NICs
priority-group 0 bandwidth 10 pfc off
priority-group 1 bandwidth 90 pfc on
priority-pgid 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
dcb-map iSCSI
Description DCB map for ports connected to iSCSI NICs
priority-group 0 bandwidth 10 pfc off
priority-group 1 bandwidth 90 pfc on
priority-pgid 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
interface fortyGigE 0/56
Description VLTi to other switch
S4810 1
Data Center Bridging (DCB)