
| | IN-L3-TrcList | 1024 | 0 | 1024
| | IN-L3-McastFib | 9215 | 0 | 9215
| | IN-L3-Qos | 8192 | 0 | 8192
| | IN-L3-PBR | 1024 | 0 | 1024
| | IN-V6 ACL | 0 | 0 | 0
| | IN-V6 FIB | 0 | 0 | 0
| | IN-V6-SysFlow | 0 | 0 | 0
| | IN-V6-McastFib | 0 | 0 | 0
| | OUT-L2 ACL | 1024 | 0 | 1024
| | OUT-L3 ACL | 1024 | 0 | 1024
| | OUT-V6 ACL | 0 | 0 | 0
1 | 1 | IN-L2 ACL | 320 | 0 | 320
| | IN-L2 FIB | 32768 | 1136 | 31632
| | IN-L3 ACL | 12288 | 2 | 12286
| | IN-L3 FIB | 262141 | 14 | 262127
| | IN-L3-SysFlow | 2878 | 44 | 2834
Return to the Default CAM Configuration
Return to the default CAM Profile, microcode, IPv4Flow, or Layer 2 ACL configuration using the keyword
default from EXEC Privilege mode or CONFIGURATION mode, as shown in the following example.
Example of the cam-profile default Command
Dell(conf)#cam-profile ?
default Enable default CAM profile
eg-default Enable eg-default CAM profile
ipv4-320k Enable 320K CAM profile
ipv4-egacl-16k Enable CAM profile with 16K IPv4 egress ACL
ipv6-extacl Enable CAM profile with extended ACL
l2-ipv4-inacl Enable CAM profile with 32K L2 and 28K IPv4 ingress ACL
unified-default Enable default unified CAM profile
Dell(conf)#cam-profile default microcode ?
default Enable default microcode
lag-hash-align Enable microcode with LAG hash align
lag-hash-mpls Enable microcode with LAG hash MPLS
Dell(conf)#cam-profile default microcode default
Dell(conf)#cam-ipv4flow ?
default Reset IPv4flow CAM entries to default setting
multicast-fib Set multicast FIB entries
Dell(conf)#cam-l2acl ?
default Reset L2-ACL CAM entries to default setting
system-flow Set system flow entries
CAM Optimization
The cam-optimization command allows you to optimize CAM utilization for QoS entries by
minimizing the amount of required policy-map CAM space.
When you enable this command, if a Policy Map containing classification rules (ACL and/or dscp/ ip-
precedence rules) is applied to more than one physical interface on the same port-pipe, only a single
copy of the policy is written (only 1 FP entry is used). When you disable this command, the system
behaves as described in this chapter.
Content Addressable Memory (CAM)