
Set clauses:
tag 35
level stub-area
The following example shows a route map with multiple instances. The show config command displays
only the configuration of the current route map instance. To view all instances of a specific route map,
use the show route-map command.
Dell#show route-map dilling
route-map dilling, permit, sequence 10
Match clauses:
Set clauses:
route-map dilling, permit, sequence 15
Match clauses:
interface Loopback 23
Set clauses:
tag 3444
To delete a route map, use the no route-map map-name command in CONFIGURATION mode.
Configure Route Map Filters
Within ROUTE-MAP mode, there are match and set commands.
match commands search for a certain criterion in the routes.
set commands change the characteristics of routes, either adding something or specifying a level.
When there are multiple match commands with the same parameter under one instance of route-map,
the system does a match between all of those match commands. If there are multiple match commands
with different parameters, the system does a match ONLY if there is a match among ALL the match
In the following example, there is a match if a route has any of the tag values specified in the match
Example of the match Command to Match Any of Several Values
Dell(conf)#route-map force permit 10
Dell(config-route-map)#match tag 1000
Dell(config-route-map)#match tag 2000
Dell(config-route-map)#match tag 3000
In the next example, there is a match only if a route has both of the specified characteristics. In this
example, there a match only if the route has a tag value of 1000 and a metric value of 2000.
Also, if there are different instances of the same route-map, then it’s sufficient if a permit match happens
in any instance of that route-map.
Example of the match Command to Match All Specified Values
Dell(conf)#route-map force permit 10
Dell(config-route-map)#match tag 1000
Dell(config-route-map)#match metric 2000
In the following example, instance 10 permits the route having a tag value of 1000 and instances 20 and
30 deny the route having a tag value of 1000. In this scenario, the system scans all the instances of the
Access Control Lists (ACLs)