System Settings
ReadyNAS OS 6.0
Configure the Hostname
The ReadyNAS uses a hostname to advertise itself on the network. When you review the
network using ReadyCLOUD, a computer, or any other interface, you can recognize the
ReadyNAS by its hostname.
The default hostname is nas-x
x-xx-xx, where xx-xx-xx is the last 6 bytes of the system’s
primary MAC address. You can change the hostname to one that is easier to remember and
To change the host name:
1. Select Sy
stem > Overview > Device.
2. Click the gear icon
( ) to the right of the Name field.
A pop-up screen displays.
3. In the Name field, enter a new hostname.
The hostname can have a maximum of 14 characters in most non-Asian languages. If
you u
se Asian language characters, the limit is lower.
4. Click OK.
Your changes are saved.