National Instruments 320682C Musical Toy Instrument User Manual

Formatting and I/O Library Chapter 2
LabWindows/CVI Standard Libraries 2-50 © National Instruments Corporation
String to Integer and Real
String to String
String to Integer and String
String to Real, Skipping over Non-Numeric Characters in the String
String to Real, after Finding a Semicolon in the String
String to Real, after Finding a Substring in the String
String with Comma-Separated ASCII Numbers to Real Array
Scanning Strings That Are Not NUL-Terminated
Integer Array to Real Array
Integer Array to Real Array with Byte Swapping
Integer Array Containing 1-Byte Integers to Real Array
String Containing Binary Integers to Integer Array
String Containing an IEEE-Format Real Number to a Real Variable
ASCII File to Two Integers with Error Checking
ASCII File with Comma-Separated Numbers to Real Array, with Number of Elements
at Beginning of File
Binary File to Integer Array, Assuming a Fixed Number of Elements
Binary File to Real Array, Assuming a Fixed Number of Elements
Binary File to Real Array, with Number of Elements at Beginning of File
Reading an Integer from the Standard Input
Reading a String from the Standard Input
Reading a Line from the Standard Input
Fmt/FmtFile/FmtOut Examples in C
This section contains examples of program code that use the Fmt, FmtFile, and FmtOut
functions from the Formatting and I/O Library. To eliminate redundancy, error checking on I/O
operations has been omitted from all of the examples in this section except the Two Integers to
ASCII File with Error Checking example.
Integer to String
char buf[10];
int a;
a = 16;
Fmt (buf, "%s<%i", a); /* result: "16" */
a = 16;
Fmt (buf, "%s<%x", a); /* result: "10" */
a = 16;
Fmt (buf, "%s<%o", a); /* result: "20" */
a = -1;
Fmt (buf, "%s<%i", a); /* result: "-1" */
a = -1;
Fmt (buf, "%s<%i[u]", a); /* result: "4294967295" */
a = 1234;
Fmt (buf, "%s<%i[w6]", a); /* result: " 1234" */
a = 1234;