ReadyNAS OS 6.0
3. Configure the settings as explained in the following table:
Item Description
Name The name is provided for information only and cannot be changed.
Target The target is the address that an iSCSI client (tha
t is, an initiator) needs to access the
LUN group. The Target field is automatically populated, but you can delete the content
and then replace the content with a custom target address.
Require initiators
to id
themselves using
Select this check box to enable CHAP authentication and to allow only authenticated
initiators access to the LUN group. By default, access to the LUN group is open to the
initiators that you add to list of initiators (see Add an iSCSI Initiator on page 98).
Allowed Initiators Select one of the following radio buttons:
• Any. Acce
ss to the LUN group is granted to all initiators that have information about
the target address. (If CHAP authentication is enabled, access is dependent on
CHAP authentication.)
• Se
lected. Access to the LUN group is granted to iSCSI qualified names (IQNs) only.
(If CHAP authentication is enabled, access is dependent on CHAP authentication.)
For more information about configuring iSCSI initia
tors, see the following sections:
• Add an iSCSI Initiator on p
age 98
• Remove an iSCSI Initiator on p
age 100
• Edit the CHAP Password on page 101
Password Enter a CHAP password with a length of at least
12 characters. Maximum length is 16 characters.
Confirm Password Confirm the CHAP password.
4. Click Apply.
The new LUN group properties take effect immediately.
For information about how to set up and access a LUN from a clie
nt device, see Access LUN
Groups from an iSCSI-Attached Device o
n page 103.
Password for
bidirectional CHAP
By default, access to an initiator by a LUN in the LUN group is open. To require a LUN
in the LUN group to be authenticated before accessing an initiator, set a password for
bidirectional CHAP authentication.