Users and Groups
ReadyNAS OS 6.0
4. In the pop-up screen that displays, edit the settings for the group as needed.
Use these guidelines to determine a
user’s group membership status:
• If the
check box next to a user is selected and can be cleared, that user is a
secondary member of the group.
• If the
check box next to a user is selected and cannot be cleared, that user is a
primary member of the group.
• If the
check box next to a user is clear, that user is not a primary or secondary
member of the group.
5. (Optional)
To change the group name, enter a new name in the Name field.
6. (Optional) T
o add a user to this group as secondary member, select the check box next to
the user’s name.
7. (Optional) T
o remove a user as a secondary member of this group, clear the check box next
to the user’s name.
Note: You cannot edit primary group membership from this screen. For
n about how to edit primary group membership, see Edit User
Accounts o
n page 142.
8. Click the Ap
ply button.
Your changes are saved.