C Commands Summary
MiLLennium GPSCard SW Version 4.503/4.52 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 2 91
This command permits you to select the geodetic datum for operation of the receiver. If not set, the value is
defaulted to WGS
84. See Table G-2 in Appendix G for a complete listing of all available predefined datums. See
the USERDATUM command for user definable datums. The datum you select will cause all position solutions to
be based on that datum (except PXYA/B which is always based on WGS84).
datum tokyo Sets the system datum to Tokyo
NOTE: The actual datum name must be entered in this command as listed in the NAME column of Table G-2.
Also note that references to datum in the following logs use the GPSCard Datum ID #: MKPA/B,
DATUM option
Syntax Datum Option Description Default
DATUM any one of 62 predefined
For a complete list of all 62 predefined datums, see Table G-2 in Appendix G.WGS84
USER User defined datum with parameters specified by the USERDATUM
command (Default WGS84)