I Information Messages
MiLLennium GPSCard SW Version 4.503/4.52 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 2 245
Table I-2 Type 1 !MSGA Types
The following is a list of information messages which are generated by the Command Interpreter in response to a
user’s input. This list is not necessarily complete, but it is the most accurate one available at the time of publication.
It is intended to be a trouble-shooting tool.
Log type Message String
1000 Unknown MSGA Type
1001 Authorization Code Is Time Limited
1002+ Reserved For Future Use
Error Message Meaning
All Ok No errors to report.
Argument Must Be Hexadecimal (0-9,A-F) Pairs An argument which is not hexadecimal was entered.
Argument Must Be Numeric An argument which is not numeric was entered.
Authorization Changes Not Available On This Card An attempt has been made to change the Authorization Code on a card which is
not an OEM card.
Authorization Code Entered Incorrectly The checksum is incorrect for the Authorization Code. The Authorization Code
was most likely entered incorrectly.
Authorization Code Is Invalid The existing Authorization Code is invalid. Please contact NovAtel GPS customer
service for a new Authorization Code.
Can’t Change Authorization Code The existing Authorization Code cannot be changed. Please contact NovAtel
GPS customer service for assistance.
Clock Model not set TM1A rejected The clock model status in a $TM1A command is invalid. The $TM1A command is
rejected when the clock model has not been set.
CLOCK_ADJUST Command Not Available On This
The CLOCKADJUST command is not available on this model.
Complete Almanac not received yet - try again later The almanac cannot be saved because a complete almanac has not yet been
received. A SAVEALMA command should be performed at a later time when a
complete almanac has been received.
Data Too Large To Save To NVM The configuration data being saved is too large.
Differential Corrections Not Available On This Model This model does not have the ability to send or receive differential corrections.
EXTERNALCLOCK Command Not Available On This
The EXTERNALCLOCK command is not available on this model.
FREQUENCY_OUT Command Not Available On
This Model
The FREQUENCY_OUT command is not available on this model.
FROM port name too LONG The FROM port name in a SETNAV command is too long.
Invalid $ALMA CheckSum The checksum of a $ALMA command is invalid.
Invalid $DCSA CheckSum The checksum of a $DCSA command is invalid.
Invalid $DEBUG Options An invalid option was entered in the $DEBUG command.
Invalid $IONA CheckSum The checksum of a $IONA command is invalid.
Invalid $PXYA CheckSum The checksum of a $PXYA command is invalid.
Invalid $REPA CheckSum The checksum of a $REPA command is invalid.
Invalid $RTCA CheckSum/CRC The CRC of a $RTCA command is invalid.
Invalid $RTCM CheckSum The checksum of a $RTCA command is invalid.
Invalid $TM1A CheckSum The checksum of a $TM1A command is invalid.
Invalid $UTCA CheckSum The checksum of a $UTCA command is invalid.
Invalid $VXYA CheckSum The checksum of a $VXYA command is invalid.
Invalid ADJUSTCLOCK Option An invalid CLOCKADJUST switch has been entered.
Invalid Baudrate The bit rate in a COMn command is invalid.
Invalid Carrier Smoothing Constant The carrier smoothing constant of the CSMOOTH command is invalid.