D Logs Summary
MiLLennium GPSCard SW Version 4.503/4.52 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 2 157
ETSA/B Extended Tracking Status
These logs provide channel tracking status information for each of the GPSCard parallel channels.
NOTE: This log is intended for status display only; since some of the data elements are not synchronized
together, they are not to be used for measurement data. Please use the RGEA/B/D, SATA/B, and
SVDA/B logs to obtain synchronized data for post processing analysis.
If both the L1 and L2 signals are being tracked for a given PRN, two entries with the same PRN will appear in the
tracking status logs. As shown in Table D-7 Channel Tracking Status on Page 203, these entries can be
differentiated by bit 19, which is set if there are multiple observables for a given PRN, and bit 20, which denotes
whether the observation is for L1 or L2. This is to aid in parsing the data.
$ETSA week seconds
sol status # chans
prn ch-tr-status dopp C/No residual locktime psr reject code
prn ch-tr-status
residual locktime psr
reject code
*xx [CR][LF]
Field # Field type Data Description Example
1 $ETSA Log header $ETSA
2 week GPS week number 850
3 seconds GPS seconds into the week (receiver time, not corrected for clock
error, CLOCKADJUST enabled)
4 sol status Solution status (see Table D-1, , Page 144) 0
5 # chans Number of hardware channels with information to follow 24
6 prn Satellite PRN number (1-32) (channel 0) 7
7 ch-tr-status Hexadecimal number indicating channel tracking status (See Table
D-7, Page 203)
8 dopp Instantaneous carrier Doppler frequency (Hz) -613.5
9 C/No Carrier to noise density ratio (dB-Hz) 54.682
10 residual Residual from position filter (m) 27.617
11 locktime Number of seconds of continuous tracking (no cycle slips) 12301.4
12 psr Pseudorange measurement (m) 20257359.5
13 reject code Indicates whether the range is valid (code = 0) or not (see Table D-
11, Page 215)
Next PRN #,ch-tr-status,dopp,C/No,residual,locktime,psr,reject code
Last PRN #,ch-tr-status,dopp,C/No,residual,locktime,psr,reject code
102 *xx Checksum *19
103 [CR][LF] Sentence terminator [CR][LF]