2 Command Descriptions
24 MiLLennium GPSCard SW Version 4.503/4.52 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 2
This section describes all commands accepted by the GPSCard with the exception of the "Special Data Input
Commands". They are listed in alphabetical order. For descriptions of output logs using the LOG command, see
Chapter 3.
The GPSCard is capable of responding to over 50 different input commands. You will find that once you become
familiar with these commands, the GPSCard offers a wide range in operational flexibility. All commands are
accepted through the COM1 and COM2 serial ports. See Table 2-1, Page 26 for a complete command listing.
NOTE: You will find the HELP command a useful tool for inquiring about the various commands available.
The following rules apply when entering commands from a terminal keyboard:
• The commands are not case sensitive (
COMMAND or command).
HELP or help
FIX POSITION or fix position
• All commands and required entries can be separated by a space or a comma
OR command variable).
e.g. datum,tokyo
e.g. datum tokyo
e.g. fix,position,51.3455323,-117.289534,1002
e.g. fix position 51.3455323 -117.289534 1002
e.g. com1,9600,n,8,1,n,off
e.g. com1 9600 n 8 1 n off
e.g. log,com1,posa,onchanged
e.g. log com1 posa unchanged
• At the end of a command or command string, press the <CR> key. A carriage return is what
the card is looking for and is usually the same as pressing the <Enter> key.
• Most command entries do not provide a response to the entered command. Exceptions to
this statement are the VERSION and HELP commands. Otherwise, successful entry of a
command is verified by receipt of the COM port prompt (i.e. COM1> or COM2>).
The syntax for a command can contain optional parameters (OPT1, OPT2, ...). OPT2 may only be used if it
is preceded by OPT1. OPT3 may only be used if it is preceded by OPT2 and so on. Parameters after and
including OPT1 will be surrounded by square brackets.
An optional parameter such as {hold} surrounded by braces may be used with the log without any preceding
optional parameters
log com1 posa 60 1 hold
log com1 posa hold
When the GPSCard is first powered up, or after a FRESET command, all commands will revert to the factory
default settings. An example is shown below. The SAVECONFIG command can be used to modify the power-on
defaults. Use the RCCA log to reference station command and log settings.