D Logs Summary
212 MiLLennium GPSCard SW Version 4.503/4.52 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 2
RVSA/B Receiver Status
This log conveys various status parameters of the receiver system. If the system is a multiple-GPSCard unit with
a master card, certain parameters are repeated for each individual GPSCard. If the system is composed of only one
GPSCard, then only the parameters for that unit are listed. Together, the RVSA/B and VERA/B logs supersede the
RCSA/B logs.
Note that the number of satellite channels (the number of satellites the receiver is capable of tracking) is not
necessarily the same as the number of signal channels. This is because one L1/L2 satellite channel requires two
signal channels. Therefore the 12-channel MiLLennium GPSCard will report 24 signal channels in this field. This
number represents the maximum number of channels reporting information in logs such as ETSA/B and RGEA/
$RVSA week seconds sat_chan sig_chan num reserve
idle status
idle status
*xx [CR][LF]
Field # Field type Data Description Example
1 $RVSA Log header $RVSA
2 week GPS week number 847
3 seconds GPS seconds into the week. 318923.00
4 sat_chan Number of satellite channels 12
5 sig_chan Number of signal channels 24
6 num Number of cards 1
7 reserve Reserved field
8 idle First GPSCard: CPU idle time (percent) 16.00
9 status First GPSCard: Self-test status (see Table D-5, Page 198) 000B00FF
Next GPSCard: CPU idle time & self-test status
Last GPSCard: CPU idle time & self-test status
variable *xx Checksum *42
variable [CR][LF] Sentence terminator [CR][LF]