C Commands Summary
MiLLennium GPSCard SW Version 4.503/4.52 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 2 131
This command cancels a previously issued ASSIGN command and the SV channel reverts to automatic control. If
a SV channel has reached state 4 (PLL), the satellite being tracked will not be dropped when the UNASSIGN
command is issued, unless it is below the elevation cut-off angle, and there are healthy satellites above the ecutoff
that are not already assigned to other SV channels.
unassign 11
This command cancels all previously issued ASSIGN commands for all SV channels. Tracking and control for
each SV channel reverts to automatic mode. If any of the SV channels have reached state 4 (PLL), the satellites
being tracked will not be dropped when the UNASSIGNALL command is issued, unless they are below the
elevation cutoff angle, and there are healthy satellites above the ecutoff that are not already assigned to other SV
UNASSIGN channel
Syntax Range Value Description Default
UNASSIGN - Command unassignall
channel 0 - 11 Reset SV channel to automatic search and acquisition mode