D Logs Summary
MiLLennium GPSCard SW Version 4.503/4.52 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 2 201
1 When an external oscillator is connected and the OCXOPLL bit passes self-test, the bit will be set to 1.
0 If no external oscillator is detected or a fault is detected in the OCXOPLL bit, this bit is set to 0.
Bit 21 Saved Almanac Needs Update
1 When the almanac received is newer than the one currently stored in NVM (non-volatile memory), the
bit will be set to 1.
0 This bit will be set to 0 if an almanac has not been received that is newer than the one stored in memory.
Bit 22 Almanac Invalid
1 No almanac in use
0 Valid almanac in use
Bit 23 Position Solution Invalid
1 Position solution is not valid
0 Valid position computed
Bit 24 Position Fixed
1 A fix position command has been accepted
0 Position has not been fixed
Bit 25 Clock Model Invalid
1 Clock model has not stabilized
0 Clock model is valid
Bit 26 Clock Steering Disabled
1 Clockadjust disable command has been accepted
0 Clockadjust is enabled
Table D-6 Range Record Format (RGED only)
Notes on Table D-6:
1A Only PRNs 1 - 63 are reported correctly (Note: while there are only 32 PRNs in the basic GPS scheme,
situations exist which require the use of additional PRNs)
1B The prn offsets for WAAS have been mapped to the same range as GPS, i.e. 1 - 19, while the prn offsets
for GLONASS are 1 - 29.
2 C/No is constrained to a value between 20 - 51 dB-Hz. Thus, if it is reported that C/No = 20 dB-Hz, the
actual value could be less. Likewise, if it is reported that C/No = 51 dB-Hz, the true value could be greater.
3 Lock time rolls over after 2,097,151 seconds.
Data Bit(s) from first to last Length (bits) Format Scale Factor
1A, 1B
0..5 6 integer 1
6..10 5 integer (20+n) dB-Hz
Lock time
11.31 21 integer 1/32 s
32..63 32 integer 2’s comp. 1/256 cycles
Doppler frequency 68..95 28 integer 2’s comp. 1/256 Hz
Pseudorange 64..67 msn; 96..127 lsw 36 integer 2’s comp. 1/128 m
StdDev - ADR 128..131 4 integer (n+1) / 512 cyc
StdDev - pseudorange 132..135 4
Channel Tracking status
136..159 24 integer see Table D-7, Page 203