D Logs Summary
MiLLennium GPSCard SW Version 4.503/4.52 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 2 167
GPGSV GPS Satellites in View
Number of SVs in view, PRN numbers, elevation, azimuth and SNR value. Four satellites maximum per message.
When required, additional satellite data sent in second or third message. Total number of messages being
transmitted and the current message being transmitted are indicated in the first two fields.
NOTE 1: Satellite information may require the transmission of multiple messages. The first field specifies the
total number of messages, minimum value 1. The second field identifies the order of this message
(message number), minimum value 1.
NOTE 2: A variable number of ’PRN-Elevation-Azimuth-SNR’ sets are allowed up to a maximum of four sets per
message. Null fields are not required for unused sets when less than four sets are transmitted.
NOTE 3: GPGSV logs will not output until the GPSCard has set fine time as monitored by the receiver status
word, see Table D-5 Receiver Self-Test Status Codes on Page 198, bits 8,9 and 10.)
$GPGSV # msg msg # # sats
prn elev azimuth SNR
prn elev azimuth SNR
*xx [CR][LF]
Field Structure Field Description Symbol Example
1 $GPGSV Log header $GPGSV
2 # msg Total number of messages, 1 to 3 x 3
3 msg # Message number, 1 to 3 x 1
4 # sats Total number of satellites in view xx 09
5 prn Satellite PRN number xx 03
6 elev Elevation, degrees, 90¡ maximum xx 51
7 azimuth Azimuth, degrees True, 000 to 359 xxx 140
) 00-99 dB, null when not tracking xx 42
Next satellite PRN number, elev, azimuth, SNR,
Last satellite PRN number, elev, azimuth, SNr,
variable *xx Checksum *hh *72
variable [CR][LF] Sentence terminator [CR][LF]