MiLLennium GPSCard SW Version 4.503/4.52 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 2 279
accumulated, 56, 196, 202
frequency, 84
instantaneous, 196
jump, 199
offset, 84
velocity, 222
double differencing, 80, 273
earth-centered earth-fixed (ECEF), 119, 143, 183, 205,
218, 226, 269
differential corrections data, 33
fix, 101
message formats, 53
, 90, 95, 131
highest, 74
multipath, 77
RTK, 118, 232, 234
satellite, 167, 214
ellipsoid, 20, 270, 273–274
choice, 183, 226
customized, 135
datum, 135
navigation, 128
rectangular coordinates, 53
reference, 178
RTK, 119
tables, 240
time matched position, 207
undulation, 132
WGS 84, 33
change in
, 52
corrected, 63–64
data, 21, 64, 189
delay, 47, 92
errors, 69, 71, 237, 273
raw data, 33
time of (TOE), 194
updated, 56
, 25
clock, 85, 96
CPU, 200
cross track, 168
ephemeris, 237
extrapolation, 18
fix position, 100
ionospheric, 231
messages, 44, 81, 110
multipath, 76, 195, 271
pseudorange, 268
relative positioning, 66
steering, 270
external oscillator, 34, 96–98
factory default, 24, 89, 103, 112
first in first out (FIFO), 86
antenna motion
, 59, 83
buffer, 199–200
constellation, 152
CPU, 200
ellipsoid, 119
handshaking protocol, 146
new site occupation, 62
occupation, 62
parity, 195
status, 38, 181, 184
time synchronization, 130
, 73–74
Doppler, 84, 157, 196–197, 201, 269
dual, 46, 49
external clock, 96, 98
ground planes, 78
L-band, 64
lock, 203
output pulse, 102
period, 35
RTK, 231, 237
single, 57
single point averaging, 70
Gauss-Markov process, 151
GDOP, see dilution of precision
, 30–31, 105, 224
geodetic datum, 91, 240, 270
Geodetic Survey of Canada, contact information, 239
geographic coordinates, 180
geoid, 269, 273–274
antenna altitude, 160, 162
fix height, 99
relationship to undulation, 178
separation, 160, 180
undulation, 132, 173
Global Positioning System (GPS), overview, 63
GPS time, 38–39, 45, 57, 60
adjust, 85
conversion, 243
errors, 69
fix position, 100
offset, 149
GPSAntenna, 13
GPSolution software, 14
graphical interface, 13
great circle, 128, 268, 270
ground plane, 76, 78, 237