D Logs Summary
MiLLennium GPSCard SW Version 4.503/4.52 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 2 225
Format: Message ID = 81 Message byte count = 92
Table D-13 Health and Status Bits
*Note: Read the binary output from the Health field from right to left. The first bit to the right, the least significant bit,
is bit 0 and so on to the left.
Table D-14 Data ID Type
Field # Data Bytes Format Units Offset
1 Sync 3 char 0
(header) Checksum 1 char 3
Message ID 4 integer 4
Message byte count 4 integer 8
2 Week number 4 ulong weeks 12
3 Seconds of week 8 double seconds 16
4 WAAS week number 4 integer weeks 24
5 WAAS seconds of week 4 integer seconds 28
6 WAAS satellite PRN number 4 integer 32
7 WAAS signal specification version 4 integer 36
8 WAAS satellite health 4 integer 40
9 Position x coordinate of WAAS satellite 8 double meters 44
10 Position y coordinate of WAAS satellite 8 double meters 52
11 Position z coordinate of WAAS satellite 8 double meters 60
12 Velocity x coordinate of WAAS satellite 8 double m/s 68
13 Velocity y coordinate of WAAS satellite 8 double m/s 76
14 Velocity z coordinate of WAAS satellite 8 double m/s 84
Bit Number* Description Range Values
0 Ranging 0 = On 1 = Off
1 Corrections 0 = On 1 = Off
2 Broadcast integrity 0 = On 1 = Off
3 Reserved -
4-7 Service Provider ID -
Data ID Type (Service Provider)
0 WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System)
1 EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service)
2 MSAS (Multi-Functional Transport Satellite (MTSAT) based Augmentation System)
3-15 Reserved