1 Quick Start
20 MiLLennium GPSCard SW Version 4.503/4.52 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 2
apply only to the remote station. Detailed descriptions can be found in Appendix C, Commands Summary.
In the following sections, keep the following in mind:
• Dynamics modes. For reliable performance the antenna should not move more than 1-2
cm when in static mode. See the RTKMODE commands in Chapter 2, Page 24 and
Appendix C, Page 117 for more information.
• When using the FIX POSITION command, the height entered must be in metres above
mean sea level; it will be converted to ellipsoidal height inside the receiver. You can enter
an undulation value, if desired, using the UNDULATION command; if none is entered,
the receiver estimates an undulation with its internal table. The format of the optional
station ID field depends on whether RTCM or RTCA messages are being used: if RTCM,
any number from 0 - 1023 is valid, while if RTCA, any 4-character string of numbers and
upper-case letters, enclosed in quotation marks, is valid. See Appendix C, Page 100 for
additional information on the station id field.
• The COMn field refers to the serial port (either COM1 or COM2) to which data
communications equipment is connected. The serial port assignment at the reference and
remote stations need not be the same; e.g. a radio transmitter might be connected to
COM1 at the reference station, and a radio receiver to COM2 at the remote station.
The following commands will enable RTCA-format messaging and allow RT-2 or RT-20 to operate with the
remote station either at rest or in motion. Note that the optional station health field in the existing FIX POSITION
command is not currently implemented in NovAtel’s RTCA messages, though it will be in the future.
1. At the reference station:
fix position lat,lon,height,station id
log comn,rtcaref,ontime,interval
log comn,rtcaobs,ontime,interval
fix position 51.11358042,-114.04358013,1059.4105,”RW34”
log com1,rtcaref,ontime,10
log com1,rtcaobs,ontime,2
2. At the remote station:
accept comn,rtca
accept com2,rtca
Congratulations! Your RTK system is now in operation!
Although RT-20 can operate with either RTCA or RTCM-format messaging, the use of RTCA-format messages is
recommended (see Chapter 4, Page 46 for further information on this topic). Nevertheless, the following
commands will enable RTCM59-format messaging and allow RT-20 to operate with the remote station either at
rest or in motion:
1. At the reference station:
fix position lat,lon,height,station id,station health
log comn,rtcm3,ontime,interval
log comn,rtcm59,ontime,interval