C Commands Summary
MiLLennium GPSCard SW Version 4.503/4.52 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 2 105
This command allows the user to dictate what ionospheric corrections the card uses. This command currently does
not effect the ionospheric model that is used when the card is operating in RTK mode. Additional range values are
reserved for future use.
The MiLLennium by default computes ionospheric corrections by attempting to use L1 & L2 signals first. To use
the ionospheric corrections issued by the WAAS GEO satellite as a first choice, you need to issue the
IONOMODEL WAAS command with the appropriate parameters.
IONOMODEL [keyword]
Syntax Range Value Description
b c
a. This keyword is only available on WAAS/EGNOS enabled models.
b. These keywords are not available in versions of software prior to 4.52.
c. Please refer to ICD-GPS-200 for a description of the Klobuchar model and its parameters. To obtain copies of ICD-
GPS-200, see Appendix F Standards and References on Page 239, for address information.
d. In software version 4.503 and earlier, this keyword is referred to as CALCULATED.
Card will use ionospheric corrections from WAAS broadcast messages. as a
first choice.
You must first ensure that your receiver is capable of accepting WAAS
corrections, see the CONFIG and WAASCORRECTION commands on Pages
88 and 137 respectively.
Card will use ionospheric corrections derived from L1 and L2 GPS
measurements as a first choice. Card must have L2 observations in order for this
setting to be effective.
Card will use ionospheric corrections as calculated by the broadcast klobuchar
model parameters as a first choice.
Card will decide which ionospheric corrections to use based on availability.