Operating Manual V 1.1 – 01/2010
6. Cleaning and Maintenance
6.1 Cleaning the instrument
• Alwaysremovethebladebeforedetachingthebladeholderfrom
the instrument!
• Alwayskeepthesapphirebladesintheboxwhennotinuse!
• Neverplaceusedbladesonthelaboratorytable-disposeofthem
• Whenusingdetergents,complywiththesafetyinstructionsofthe
manufacturer and observe the laboratory regulations valid in the
country of use.
• Whencleaningtheoutersurfaces,donotusexylene,scouring
powders or solvents containing acetone or xylene. The finished
surfaces are not resistant to xylene or acetone!
• Ensurethatnoliquidsentertheinterioroftheinstrumentwhen
Before each cleaning, carry out the following preparatory steps:
• Movethespecimenviceassemblyintothelowerendposition.
• Removethebladefromthebladeholderanddisposeofitsafely(be-
fore disposing of used blades, apply thick "Scotch" tape to the cutting
edge or wrap the entire blade in paper) or place the sapphire blade in
the knife case.
• Removethespecimenfromthespecimenviceassembly.
• Removesectionwasteanddisposeofitsafely.
• Removespecimenviceassemblyandcleanseparately.
• Donotopenanycoversorcasingpanelsoftheinstrument,as
electrically live parts are on the inside!