Leica VT1000 A
5. Operation
The operating elements (continued)
Fig. 32
AMPLITUDE rotary knob
This knob controls the relative amplitude of the lateral excursion of
the sectioning blade vibratory movements.
• Inthezeroposition(‘0‘)orduringtheretractionmovementofthe
cutting head, the blade does not vibrate.
• Themaximumamplitude(2.0mm)isreachedwhentherotaryknob
vary proportionally.
All configured values are active during the feed movement of
the cutting head only.
The amplitude can also be changed during the sectioning pro-
STAGE switch
Using this switch, you can move the specimen stage with the specimen
upwards or downwards quickly.
The movement continues as long as the switch is held in the respective
position. When the switch is released (mode switch must be in auto or
single position), it springs back into the center position and the move-
ment is interrupted.
Switch position:
Upwards --> Specimen stage moves upwards.
Downwards --> Specimen stage moves downwards.
Fig. 33
The LED display shows the values defined for section thickness in
single mode and the number of sections and section thickness in au-
tomatic mode.
• TheLED(53, 54) in the THICKNESS (section thickness) switch or in
the SECTION (number of sections) switch is illuminated when the
corresponding parameter is being displayed (see Fig. 37).
LED display
Fig. 34