(3)When a command cannot be executed from the beginning:
(Command execution is impossible from the beginning and the END signal does not
turn on, as in the examples listed below.)
•A movement command (ABS-PT, INC-PT) was executed without return-to-origin being com-
• An operation start command (AUTO-R, STEP-R) was executed while return-to-origin is in-
complete (except for cases where PRM48 (Pre-operation action selection parameter) is set to 1
or 3).
•A movement command (ABS-PT, INC-PT) was executed by specifying a point number whose
point data is unregistered.
•A dedicated command was executed during interlock or emergency stop (except for the reset
(RESET) and servo recovery (SERVO) commands).
•When a dedicated command input (ABS-PT, INC-PT, AUTO-R, STEP-R, ORG-S, SERVO,
RESET) was executed in "SERVICE mode state".
30ms or less
1ms or less
30ms or less
(1)At the rising edge of the dedicated command input, the END signal turns off and the BUSY
signal turns on.
(2)Turn off (contact open) the dedicated command input after checking that the BUSY signal
turns on.
(3)Wait until the BUSY signal turns off. (The BUSY signal immediately turns off since the com-
mand cannot be executed from the beginning.)
(4)The END signal remains off when the BUSY signal turns off, indicating that the command
could not end normally.
3-6 I/O Control Timing Charts