8-4 Robot Language Description
Function: Executes a specified task.
Format: TON <task number>, <program number>, <start type>
Example: TON 1,2,0
Newly executes program 2 as task 1.
Explanation: This command starts multiple tasks and can be used to control the I/O
signals in parallel with the axis movement and perform different process-
ing for each axis.
(1) Task number
The task number is a number used to identify the four individual
tasks from 0 to 3. Since task 0 is the main task, tasks numbers from
1 to 3 can be specified.
(2) Program number
The program number is a number used to identify the 100 individual
programs from 0 to 99.
(3) Start type
This specifies whether to start a new task or suspended task. Set to 0
when executing a new task, and set to 1 when restarting a suspended
Others: • A task number which is being executed cannot be specified. (A task
number which has been suspended can be specified.)
• The task terminates when the last step is detected. When a subtask
terminates, it does not affect operation of other tasks. But, if task 0
(main task) terminates, all other tasks in operation also terminate.
8-4-19 TOFF
Function: Suspends a specified task.
Format: TOFF <task number>
Example: TOFF 1
Suspends the program being executed as task 1.
Explanation: This command is used to suspend the execution of a particular task.
(1) Task number
The task number is a number used to identify the four individual
tasks from 0 to 3. Since task 0 is the main task, tasks numbers from
1 to 3 can be specified.
Others: • This command cannot suspend its own task.