8-4 Robot Language Description
Function: Waits until a specified general-purpose input or memory input changes
to a specified state.
Format: WAIT <DI or MI number>, <input status>
Example: WAIT 5, 1
Waits until DI5 turns on.
Explanation: This command adjusts the timing according to the general-purpose in-
put or memory input state.
(1) DI or MI number
Specify one of
the general-purpose input numbers from 0 to 7 (8
points) or memory input numbers from 100 to 147 (48 points).
(2) Input status
"1" means "on" and "0" means "off",
8-4-11 TIMR
Function: Waits for a specified amount of time before advancing to the next step.
Format: TIMR <time>
Example: TIMR 100
Moves to the next step after waiting one second.
Explanation: This command is used when adjusting the time within the program. Time
may be specified in lengths from 1 to 65535, in units of 10ms. In other
words, time may be specified from 0.01 seconds up to 655.35 seconds.