8-4 Robot Language Description
Function: Sets a point variable P.
Format: P <point number>
Example: P 200
Sets a point variable P to 200.
Explanation: The point variable can contain a point number as a variable, which can
be from 0 to 999. By using a movement command such as MOVA with
a P+ or P- statement, the number of steps
required to create a repeating
program can be reduced.
Other: • The contents of point variable P are retained even when the controller
power is turned off, but when the program is reset or when the pro-
gram reset is applied for example by switching the execution program,
the point vari abl e P will be initialized to 0.
• Point varia bles P in a task are independent of those in other tasks. For
example, the definition and edited contents of a point variable used in
task 1 do not affect the point var iab le used in task 0.
Function: Adds 1 to a point variable P.
Format: P+
Example: P+
Adds 1 to a point variable P. (P←P+1)
Explanation: Adds 1 to a point variable P.
Function: Subtracts 1 from a point variable P.
Format: P-
Example: P-
Subtracts 1 from a point variable P. (P←P-1)
Explanation: Subtracts 1 from a point variable P.