10-4 SERVICE mode function
10-4 SERVICE mode function
The SERVICE mode function is explained in this section.
The robot operator or others sometimes need to enter the hazardous area in the robot safety enclosure
and move the robot to perform maintenance or adjustment while using the TPB. This situation is
referred to as "SERVICE mode state" and requires extra caution. Limits should be placed on control-
ler operation at this time to ensure operator safety.
A safety function called "SERVICE mode function" places limits on controller operation when in
"SERVICE mode state".
When the SERVICE mode function is enabled, the SRCP controller constantly monitors status to
check whether "SERVICE mode state" occurs. In "SERVICE mode state", the SERVICE mode func-
tion does the following:
• Limits command input from any device other than the TPB.
• Limits robot movement speed.
• Prohibits automatic operation and step operation.
• Enables hold-to-run function.
The controller recognizes "SERVICE mode state" when the SERVICE mode function is enabled and
the SERVICE mode input (SVCE) is OFF (contact is open). (See "3-2-3 SERVICE mode input
The SERVICE mode function is protected by a password so that the settings cannot be changed easily.