11-5 Communication Command Description
(9)@MOVA <point number>,<speed>
Moves the robot to a position specified by a point number at a specified speed.
Point number : This is a number assigned to each point (position data) and can
be from 0 to 999 (a total of 1,000 points). Data for the point
numbers can be edited with the @WRITE PNT statement. The
point variable "P" can also be used.
Speed : The speed can be set to any level between 1 and 100. If PRM30
(Maximum program speed) is 100, then 100 will be equal to 2000
mm/sec (when PRM44=2000).
Transmission example : @MOVA 123,100 c/r l/f ............... Moves the robot to point 123
at 100% speed.
Response example 1 : OK c/r l/f
Response example 2 : NG c/r l/f ...................................... The target position exceeds the
soft limit. Change the point
data or soft limit parameter.
30: soft limit over c/r l/f
@MOVI <point number>,<speed>
Moves the robot a distance specified by a point number from the current position, at a specified
Point number : This is a number assigned to each point (position data) and can
be from 0 to 999 (a total of 1,000 points). Data for the point
numbers can be edited with the @WRITE PNT statement. The
point variable "P" can also be used.
Speed : The speed can be set to any level between 1 and 100. If PRM30
(Maximum program speed) is 100, then 100 will be equal to 2000
mm/sec (when PRM44=2000).
Transmission example : @MOVI 123,100 c/r l/f ................ Moves the robot a distance
defined by point 123, at 100%
Response example 1 : OK c/r l/f
Response example 2 : NG c/r l/f ...................................... The target position exceeds the
soft limit. Change the point
data or soft limit parameter.
30: soft limit over c/r l/f
When movement is interrupted with a stop (^C) statement, the current position in the program stays unchanged
so that the movement can be resumed by executing the @MOVI command again. However, if the command is
reset, the current position in the program is initialized to the actual robot position.