11-5 Communication Command Description
(6)@X+, (@X-)
@X+ moves the robot to the + side and @X- to the - side based on the following equation.
Movement distance = 1 × (PRM26/100) (mm) PRM26: Teaching movement data (%)
(7)@XINC, (@XDEC)
@XINC moves the robot to the + side and @XDEC to the - side at a speed calculated by the
equation below. The robot continues moving until the ^C code is input or the robot reaches the
soft limit.
Movement speed = 100 × (PRM26/100) (mm/sec.) PRM26: Teaching movement data (%)
The soft limit will not work unless return-to-origin has been performed.
(8)@MOVD <X-axis position (mm)>,<speed>
Moves the robot to a specified coordinate position.
X-axis position : Specify the target position to move the robot to.
Speed : The speed can be set to any level between 1 and 100. If PRM30
(Maximum program speed) is 100, then 100 will be equal to 2000
mm/sec (when PRM44=2000).
Transmission example : @MOVD 50.37,100 c/r l/f ........... Moves the robot to the posi-
tion at 50.37 mm, at 100%
Response example 1 : OK c/r l/f
Response example 2 : NG c/r l/f ...................................... The target position exceeds the
soft limit. Change the target
position or soft limit param-
30: soft limit over c/r l/f