8-2 Robot Language Syntax Rules
8-2 Robot Language Syntax Rules
8-2-1 Command statement format
The robot language command statement format for the SRCP controller is as follows. When creating
a program using the TPB, each command statement can be automatically entered in this format, so
you do not have to be aware of this format while creating the program.
<operation code> [<operand 1>][,<operand 2>][,<operand 3>] [;<comment>]
■ A command statement is basically composed of an operation code and an operand. Depending
on the command statement, either no operand is used, or up to three operands are used.
A comment can be written following the operand. (But, no comment can be written with the
TPB.) A line consisting of only a comment cannot be created.
Items in [ ] (brackets) can be omitted.
■ A command statement must be entered with one-byte characters (alphanumeric characters,
special characters) except for comment. Input characters can be upper case or lower case. The
controller automatically converts the input characters to upper case.
■ One command statement must be described within one line. It cannot be written over multiple
lines. Multiple command statements cannot be described on one line. Up to 80 one-byte char-
acters (including carriage line return) can be described on one line.
■ One or more spaces must be inserted between the operation code and the operand.
■ Operands enclosed in < > marks must be specified by the user. Check the description of each
robot language and enter the appropriate data. (Refer to "8-4 Robot Language Description".)
■ When two or more operands are entered, insert a comma (,) between them.
■ Any entry after a semicolon (;) is recognized as a comment. When creating a program using a
PC (personal computer), a comment is helpful to easily identify the program. Note, however,
that the comment is not stored in the controller. A comment can be any number of characters as
long as it is within one line. Characters that can be used as a comment are one-byte characters
(alphanumeric characters, special characters) and two-byte characters (full space characters).