3-6 I/O Control Timing Charts
3-6-2 When executing a dedicated input command
■ The BUSY signal turns on when a dedicated command is received. Whether the received com-
mand has ended normally can be checked with the END signal status at the point that the
BUSY signal turns off. When the END signal is on, this means that the command has ended
normally. If it is off, the command has not ended normally.
■ The dedicated command input must be a pulse input. If the dedicated command input stays on,
the BUSY signal does not turn off even after the command has been executed.
(1)When a command with a long execution time runs and ends normally:
(Command execution is still in progress and the END signal is off when turning off
(contact open) the dedicated command input.)
30ms or less
1ms or less 1ms or less
(1)At the rising edge of the dedicated command input, the END signal turns off and the BUSY
signal turns on.
(2)Turn off (contact open) the dedicated command input after checking that the BUSY signal
turns on.
(3)Wait until the BUSY signal turns off.
(4)The END signal should be on when the BUSY signal turns off, indicating that the command
has ended normally.
In the case of the automatic operation start command (AUTO-R), the END signal turns on and the BUSY signal
turns off when the program ends or a STOP statement is executed. If an endless program (one that automati-
cally returns to the top of the program from the last step) is executed, the BUSY signal will not turn off until an
interlock or emergency stop is triggered.