8-4 Robot Language Description
Function: Performs return-to-origin by using the stroke-end detection method.
Format: ORGN
Example: ORGN
Performs return-to-origin by the stroke-end detection method.
Explanation: Return-to-origin is performed based on return-to-origin parameter data.
Others: • The magnetic pole is detected simultaneously with return-to-origin
operation. Each time the power is turned on, return-to-origin becomes
incomplete. Always perform return-to-origin after turning on the power
to the controller before starting operation. Return-to-origin is also in-
complete after a parameter related to the origin position is changed.
Return-to-origin must be reperformed in this case.
• When performing return-to-origin by the stroke-end detection method,
do not interrupt the return-to-origin operation while detecting the ori-
gin (while contacting the mechanical limit). Otherwise, the operation
will stop due to a controller overload alarm and the power will have to
be turned on again.
• If return-to-origin must be repeated by the stroke-end detection method,
wait at least 5 seconds before repeating it.