Configuring WFS Acceleration | 99
Configuring WFS Acceleration Using Signed SMB
The preferred way to configure WFS Acceleration for Signed SMB is to use the WXA Setup
Wizard. However, this is currently only available if running SonicOS 5.9 firmware. If your NSA/
TZ series appliance is using 5.8.1.x or 6.1.x firmware use the procedures in this section to
configure WFS Acceleration for Signed SMB. For more information on the WXA Setup Wizard
refer to the SonicOS 5.9 Administrator’s Guide.
To manually configure the WFS Acceleration service using signed SMB, perform the following:
Step 1 Configure a network interface on the NSA/TZ series appliance for the port you want to connect
the WXA series appliance to. The WXA series appliance must be connected to a NSA or TZ
series appliance on a port other than X0 and X1. See Configuring Network Interfaces on
page 33 for details.
Step 2 Navigate to the WAN Acceleration > WFS Acceleration page.
Step 3 Click the Configuration tab, and then select the Enable WFS Acceleration checkbox.
Step 4 Select the Support SMB Signing checkbox.
Step 5 Click the Apply Changes button.