Viewing the TCP Acceleration Page | 45
Connections Tab
Action Items
Plot Graph Displays a graphical representation of the selected criteria.
Refresh Button Refreshes the graph with the most recent TCP Acceleration data.
Data and Graphs Displays read-only data for the Remote Node, Direction, Threshold, Total Con-
nections, and Covering Period. This data is also displayed in the graph.
Name Description
Name Description
Remote Node Filters the table of connections based on the remote node (the WXA series appli-
ance at the far end of the connection).
# Entries Selects the number of entries to display in the Connections table.
Incl. Non-Intercepted Enables or disables the inclusion of non-intercepted traffic to display in the Con-
nections table. The definition of “Non-intercepted” is traffic that is diverted from the
NSA/TZ series appliance to the WXA series appliance, but is not accelerated.
Refresh Actions Refreshes the WAN Acceleration > Connections tab. The refresh interval can
be entered in the text field. The interval can be increased to a maximum of 999
Click the Refresh symbol to manually update the Connections tab.
Click the Pause button to stop updates on the page.