114 | Dell SonicWALL WXA 1.3 User’s Guide
Configure the WXA 2000 appliance on the Branch Site
When configuring the Branch Site to access a file server on the Central Site, the Remote Server
Name entered on the Branch Site must match the Local WXA Name of the Central Site's WXA
appliance. This allows the Central Site WXA appliance to provide accelerated access for the
particular file server in question.
Add File Server 1:
Step 1 Navigate to the WAN Acceleration > WFS Acceleration > Shares tab.
Step 2 Click the Add Server button.
The Add Server pop-up window displays:
Step 3 Enter the Remote Server Name: Select WXA-4000-CS-1 from the drop-down list.
If the remote server is not in the list, toggle the radio button and enter it manually in the text
Step 4 Enter a Local WXA Name: WXA-2000-RS-1
Then add a period after the name
Step 5 Click Apply.
The Update Domain Records pop-up window displays:
Step 6 Enter your Administrator credentials.
Step 7 Click the Update Records button.