
Configuring WFS Acceleration | 101
Basic Configuration Mode
To configure WFS Acceleration in Basic configuration mode, use the Signed SMB Setup tab to
join the domain, add file servers on the local and remote locations, and add domain records.
When initially configuring WFS Acceleration, always configure the Central site first (the site
where the file servers are physically located).
Note Basic mode is the preferred way to configure WFS Acceleration, only use Advanced mode
if you need to specifically define server or share names.
Joining the Domain on page 101
Adding File Shares on page 103
Joining the Domain
To join the domain, perform the following steps:
Step 1 In the WAN Acceleration > WFS Acceleration page, select the Signed SMB Setup Tab.
If this is the first time setting up WFS Acceleration, an initial Signed SMB Setup page displays:
Step 2 Enter the following in the Domain Details panel:
a. Click the Configure icon located next to Hostname.
A Configure Hostname pop-up window displays.
b. Enter a friendly hostname or leave the Hostname text field blank to use the default
hostname.The WXA series appliance automatically creates a hostname for you, but it is
recommended that you create your own friendly hostname.
c. Click the Apply button.