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Action Items
WXA Appliance Configuration Panel
Name Description
Action Items Provides the options to apply changes, probe for the presence of
the WXA series appliance, and create a static DHCP lease for the
WXA series appliance.
WXA Appliance Configuration Panel Enables and configures the WXA series appliance.
WXAC Panel Enables support for the NetExtender WAN Acceleration Client. See
WXAC on page 32 for details.
Note: This panel only displays if the NSA/TZ series appliance is
running SonicOS 5.9.
Name Description
Apply Changes Applies the latest configuration changes.
Probe for WXA Checks for the presence of a WXA series appliance. This is a hand-
shake between the NSA/TZ series appliance and the WXA series
appliance, and confirms they are connected to each other.
Create Static DHCP Lease for WXA Creates a static lease for the WXA series appliance.
Name Description
Enable WAN Acceleration Checkbox Enables or disables the WAN Acceleration feature.
WXA Interface Drop-Down Selects the NSA/TZ series appliance interface that the WXA series
appliance is connected to.
WXA IP Address Displays the IP address of the WXA series appliance.
Note: this field is read-only.