Introduction | 19
Navigating the Management Interface
Navigating the WAN Acceleration management interface includes a hierarchy of menu buttons
on the navigation bar (left side of your browser window). When you click a menu button, related
management functions are displayed as submenu items in the navigation bar.
If the navigation bar continues below the bottom of your browser, an up-and-down arrow
symbol appears in the bottom right corner of the navigation bar. Mouse over the up or down
arrow to scroll the navigation bar up or down.
Common Icons in the Management Interface
The following describe the functions of common icons used in the WAN Acceleration
management interface:
• Clicking on the edit icon displays a window for editing the settings.
• Clicking on the delete icon deletes a table entry
• Moving the pointer over the Tooltip icon displays a description of the component.
Status Bar
The Status bar at the bottom of the management interface window displays the status of actions
executed in the management interface.