70 | Dell SonicWALL WXA 1.3 User’s Guide
Statistics Tab
The Statistics tab displays performance statistics for the WFS Acceleration service.
Note The WFS Cache statistics displayed in this page only represent Signed SMB traffic. If you
are using Unsigned SMB, the WFS Cache statistics do not apply.
Name Description
Covering Period Drop-down Click the Covering Period drop-down list and select the period of time the data displays
on the Statistics tab.
Chart Drop-down Selects the graph style used to display the WFS Acceleration data.
Flush Cache Button Clears the WFS Acceleration cache on the WXA series appliance.
Refresh Actions Refreshes the current page. The refresh interval can be entered in the text field. The max-
imum time interval that can be set is 999 seconds.
Click the Refresh symbol to manually update the page.
Click the Pause symbol to stop updates on the page.
Overview Table Displays read-only data for the following:
• Egress/Ingress Total Data Reduction percentage
• Egress/Ingress WAN capacity increase factor
• Egress Cache Size
• Egress Cache Free Space
Egress Charts Displays the egress (out going) sent and conveyed traffic in Bytes.
Ingress Charts Displays the ingress (incoming) sent and conveyed traffic in Bytes.